
My sketch book 
this pg shows how to develop hight with waterfalls. bottom picture is framed with pinetrees and pushes closer to the eyes with view point in center of page. clouds develop the space.

Important to keep composition with page, balance the sides with and break the grid if there is too many small sketches.

Buildings at different angles and heights give a wide variety of spatial effects. I like buildings that suggest ambiguity in spaces. Cliffs like the one in Phutal India give reference to real life fantasy architecture

Page on rock formations. Showing angles with the rocks directing a gesture to embrace a focal point from afar. This gives a sense of distance in the picture and also frames the sides. The edges divides the clouds into sections so it layers and suggest the heights with mountains in the back ground.

geometry and composition extends the space further beyond the given surface area in a painting. repetition reinforces the message across and creates leading devices and gestures. its important to see things in multiple dimensions and scales.

Sketch on trees. Many asked how do you make it look elegant? Well my answer would be, God made everything beautiful in its own way. It all follows a rule and its the artist's job to observe and understand this rule. Some trees only grow on mountains and cliffs. Some in marshes and waters. The roots and the shapes of the leave and branches would also vary in shape due to the conditions of the environment it's in. Hence taking note of light conditions, wind and heights provide you with the form of how the plants move in the landscape. With a variety of plant knowledge the environment becomes more realistic as you would have more variations to changes.

Colors VS Angles
The power of angles and colors in landscape. Leaving space has always been something hard for me, until i discovered color is a medium that push and pulls the edges of volumes. Once you have this under your belt with painting, you are more at ease with leaving out areas for mist and clouds.
Mist Weaver
This piece is all about trying out different camera angles vs paper ratio. Because the shape of the paper is very symmetrical, the body of the work must be moved to a tilt to stretch the vision with the atmosphere. The angles of each shape is carved to point to the far mountains in the mist. Leaving a triangular space allows perspective of the space to be pulled back dramatically.

Present for my godmother in U.S

Adding colors in Chinese landscape has always been my mission. Since in the last few centuries there has only been a hand full of people that did a good merge with western color theory and Chinese ink stroke gestures. So I found the latest and best examples of works to actually be in cartoon and animation works. As mentioned before Miyazaki's works has always been inspirational to me. The way he uses colors are very close to what atmospheric colors represent.

Fish concept for client
I had a project for a client's girlfriend's birthday present. He really liked simplicity so we went through a few concepts
