Some pictures during the opening at Lopdell house gallery
During the opening i saw some old friends and some familiar faces. I had heaps of support that night and had most of my family there to celebrate my success. It was a new breath of fresh air to what a artist was all about. I was always worried about my career choice and i guess this showed me i was right to not put all my eggs in a basket.
The start of the walk was designed to be angled to have a gesture of embracing the audience with a leading wall device with the screens being suspended. The floating effect with the bird music playing with the light, brought the paintings to life. The Moon window was a architectural feature to acknowledged the traditions in Chinese gardens. The circle makes a focal point and a framing device for the windows and doors, as well as give a element of curiosity.
The front entrance piece, the kiwi march
My grand piece in the gallery, the landscape is captivating with a large portion of mist hiding the Kauri and presenting the stones and mountains in the distance. This piece was supposed to show hope to the future so i left it black and white
I was honored to have painted a mural directly onto the gallery walls it twisted the art space into a world of its own.
The lighting played very nicely with the pictures and gave a shaded effect with some of them.
the entrance again a
picture of the moon window
too small to contain 30-40 people coming in at once so we had to take turns
a complete picture of the final peice
one of my favorites, shows a nice angle to the kauri
Can't thank mum and dad enough for there unconditional support
lastly the title of my exhibition " Gods of the forest" I give all glory to my God! AMEN!
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