Variety in Chinese painting

I love painting cats,  but never owned one as a pet in my life. My neighbor's cat comes over for a visit from time to time and always sits in the sun next to the flowers. 
Back to my pilgrimage with painting NewZealand styled mountains. I love adding colour to things and seeing natural gradients of the sun and earth colours combine with the sky.

Snow owls are pretty popular after a few harry potter films. I remember a few years back legend of the guardians was a hit with the kids. 

I have this thing lately with brown paper. It gives a nice vintage look to the paintings.

Peonies look great with this brown paper

Back to a long painting with clouds and mountains. This time i tried it on landscape to achieve greater layers over the watercolours.


  1. i like these painting
    but i know a website, there are many beautiful chinese painting for sale.
    you can find something you like

    1. Thank you very much for your kind comments. I just don't really understand what you mean about the "sales" part and about the "something you like part" in your sentence. Can you please elaborate a little more?


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